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Welcome to the Woronuk Family webpage! This is a resource of our families History, Current Events, Family Tree, Pictures (media) and contact information. The site was created and is managed by Mike Woronuk. The site is, and always will be, a work in progress. Therefore, it needs contributions from everyone. Contributions range from simply checking up on the site every now and then, to contributing pictures or any other information. Corrections and suggestions are highly encouraged and I hope everyone has something to say about the site. Your other duty is to pass this site around to all the family members you can.
Only through a lot of time and effort, does this resource exist. I hope the site fulfills its purpose; for everyone to enjoy and learn from it. The site (at www.woronuk.com) was first published, in its empty state, on June 26, 2003. However, the project idea first started in February 10 of 2002. The time between those dates is significant. February 10, 2002 was really when I made the first Woronuk webpage. The time between that creation and June 28 was dead time. It wasn't until the final semester of my grade 11 year that marked the begining of the work you see here. I had an Internet course, in which I used this website as my final project. It's been a long road to here, but hopefully the road ahead stretches even further.
Email me anytime if you just want to say hi or have suggestions on anything. Just click the contact tab to find my email address. I'd like to create a database of our family email addresses, so that we can all better communicate. Please email me so I can put your email down.

Enjoy the site! November 25, 2003.

--Mike Woronuk
--(Young Raven)